Welcome Class of 2028

A2F is a Christian Fellowship for UC Merced students!

Our vision is to build an Acts 2 church here at UC Merced. As it says in Acts 2, the disciples shared life in a community devoting themselves to the bible, prayer, and fellowship in one another's homes.

On any given night, we can be getting tacos, doing boba runs, playing board games, playing sports, talking about life, studying the bible, going on Yosemite trips, providing mentorship, or having study nights with a ton of snacks!

We welcome all UC Merced students! Whether you are a believer, a seeker, or just someone interested in hanging out and making some friends - Come check us out!

We have a LOT of fun activities in the first few weeks so please let us know what you are interested by filling out our interest form.

A2F Merced hangs out a lot! Here we are had Sports & BBQ at a nearby park. Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Basketball, Football and Soccer are often are choice for sports!

Sample of Stuff We Do

Scavenger Hunt is one of the many fun social activities we do during UC Mercedโ€™s Welcome Week. Open to all UC Merced Students.

Acts2Fellowship Merced Freshmen Lifegroups. Freshmen Lifegroups is where Frosh can get together to do life, get mentorship and make lifelong friends here at UC Merced

Acts2Fellowship Merced visits Elderly Home to show love and talk to Grandmas and Grandpas! Sharing Godโ€™s love through Community Service!


A2F 2022-2023 Video Review

Relive all the meaningful times we had in Acts2Fellowshipโ€™s in 2022-2023. We had fun trips and outings to Yosemite, Monterey & Sf. We also had special skill workshops, bible studies, retreats, special talks. Home cooked dinners, lot of meaningful conversations, small groups, life groups, discussion over important topics of life. It was an amazing year! Everyone is welcome so please join us.